Day 1: #30DaysWild
I’ve signed up to the Wildlife Trusts #30DaysWild Challenge this month – and will be trying to commit acts of random wildness for the whole of June. So watch out! Day one, and the weather wasn’t ideal...
View ArticleDay 2: Bumble in trouble
We’ve all read the newspaper headlines saying bumblebees are in trouble and their numbers are declining, well today, in a small and insignificant way, I was able to help one as part of my #30DaysWild...
View ArticleDay 3: Running, owls and butterflies
Day three of the Wildlife Trusts #30DaysWild Challenge and it started with a wild run on what I’ve just found out is “national running day” (didn’t know there was such a thing!). Since I started...
View ArticleDay 4: A rubbish spider
Sorry, that should read “rubbish” AND a “spider”. I used to think all spiders were rubbish (actually I used to run a mile from any that got within 3ft of me) but I’ve grown to love them just a little...
View ArticleDay 5: It’s all about the bees!
Day 5 of my #30DaysWild challenge was spent eagerly awaiting the release of this film about solitary bees. I wasn’t disappointed. This really is well worth watching. Enjoy!]Filed under: Wildlife...
View ArticleDay 6: Getting tired
Day 6 of my #30DaysWild adventure has had it’s up’s and down’s. It often gets to this time of year and I start feeling slightly sad that we’ve already seen the best of spring. Don’t you ever feel like...
View ArticleThe sound of a winter garden
Click on the orange arrow above to play the audio file. How many different species can you hear? Here are some of the birds that you have been able to identify: Wood pigeon, blackbird, robin, jackdaw,...
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